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Happiness After Divorce

"Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain"

It was suggested by my Book Club peers to start blogging about my upcoming book, entitled 20-Something & Divorced. The manuscript is a memoir that focuses on my story regarding life before, during, and after my divorce. It’s been 5 years since my marriage dissolved, and a couple hundred pages later. So without a doubt, I want to change direction a bit from my book.

With that said, I am going to start blogging about the upside to post divorce.

Today, I just want to share a few words of encouragement.

Shortly after divorce, I found myself living inside a “bubble”, not wanting to deal with outside predators. I was frightened, ashamed, and clueless on what steps to take next.

I soon discovered in a local church Divorce Care Group, that there are indeed ways to rebuild, and create a new, happy lifestyle post divorce.

There is a great life ahead after divorce! Creating a space of your own to be proud of and love is imperative. Enjoying every bit of life, and finding your passion is a great idea after divorce. For me, my passion is reading, writing, swimming, enjoying local arts, and of course my son.

I made myself a priority to ensure happiness. I learned how to become self-absorbed in my passions, taking my mind away from a failed marriage. Before time, life was back to normal, well my new normal anyways.

The determinant of our happiness is based upon ourselves. No one can alter that. Therefore, create a plan of ways to stay happy and stick to it.


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